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A nearby display offers  inspiration and encouragement as Mindy McConnell writes her next icon.


Icon Painting

Laura Chariton and Joanie Gundersen display their images, resources, and workspace.


Jake Delwiche concentrates on his
current project.

What - and why - are we painting?


“Image” is the literal translation of the word “icon”. It
means an image of a person or event mentioned in the Gospels or other Christian scripture. The process of
painting Christ, the Virgin Mary, apostles, saints, and patriarchs with oils or acrylics on canvas, wood, or ceramic tiles is also known as “writing” icons.


Icons are meant to be “windows into heaven.” Many believe when
you hold one, heaven and God become tangible. They can inspire contemplation of a realm beyond this world. Icon painters consider
it a form of prayer to God.  


The practice of painting religious figures dates  back to prehistoric times. Christian icons were created as early as the first century.
Some have survived from the fourth century.  


Icons painted at Christ Church are styled after mosaics and frescoes
of the 13th century. This is in keeping with Byzantine tradition
taught to group leader Joanie Gundersen by her Russian grandmother.  Group members copy ancient images just as they have been passed down. Individual imagination is not authorized. 


Each painter leaves his or her ego at the studio door in the lower level

of Vinter Hall. They do not sign the icons they paint. Because icon creation is a devotional act, they work in silence or listen to soft

music. The group has been meeting weekly for more than a decade.


Are you interested in seeing their work or joining the group? Email your phone and email address to . It will be passed
on to Joanie Gundersen so she can contact you. 

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