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We invite you to become involved in our Internal Ministries. Each allows you to assist with worship services and education. They offer opportunities for spiritual growth. You can develop a deeper understanding of your faith through prayer, study, and reflection as you serve others in these ways. Children's faith is also nurtured through age-appropriate programs and participation in worship services.


Church members of all ages are taught to assist the priest during services. Whether they carry or follow the cross to the altar, their devotion and discipline are plain to see. Acolytes as young as 5 years, teens, and adults share duties that support and enhance the solemnity and joy of Sunday services. However they are "drawn by the Spirit's tether," acolytes learn to perform and preserve patterns of worship, scripture, prayer, and communion practiced in Episcopal churches throughout the world.

Altar Guild

Linens, sacred vessels, vestments, candles and other essential elements for church services are reverently maintained and positioned by teams of men and women.  Children and grandchildren are encouraged to learn the skills and methods of care by Altar Guild members. Training is in person, and many members have served the church in this way for decades. New team members are always welcomed!

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Choir and Music Ministry

The organist - choirmaster directs a small, dedicated group during the
10:30 a.m. eucharist. If you enjoy singing and can read your part, join the choir!  We rehearse at 7 p.m. Thursdays and 10 a.m. Sundays from September through May.  Parishioners who play instruments can also share their talents during services and special events. Christ Church hosts community music groups as well. Our sanctuary's excellent acoustics make it a favored place to perform religious and contemporary works. 

Eucharistic Ministers

Trained and licensed Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest during services. They also make home, hospital, and pastoral care visits. Lay Eucharistic Visitors also visit shut-ins or parishioners who are hospitalized. Thanks to these devoted servants, Christ Church members and families who cannot be present in person for services are remembered, visited, and able to receive communion.

Altar Flowers

Providing flowers for the church's altars is a way for members to both give glory to God and remember loved ones. Donated flowers bring joy twice. They remind parishioners of the beauty of nature during worship services. They are then divided and delivered to those who are sick, unable to travel to church, or celebrating a special occasion. 

Lay Readers

Team members read scripture passages and the Prayers of the People. Readers at 8 a.m. read all three scripture passages. Scripture passages at 10:30 a.m. are divided among readers and the choir. The number of times you read each quarter depends on the number of volunteers. (The average is 3 times.) If you have questions or would like to join this worship team, please contact the church office at

 Sunday School

We take children’s safety and security seriously. All members who work with children are licensed, background checked and participate in Safeguarding God’s Children training.

Ushers and Greeters

Sundays, feast days, weddings, funerals, and special events are when  we welcome guests and answer questions about our faith, pastoral care, and beautiful church. After ushers pass alms basins during the preparation for eucharist, they bring forward the people's gifts to be blessed and dedicated to the work of the church.

Christ Episcopal Church

111 9th Street North

PO Box 2908

La Crosse, WI 54602-2908






Church Office Hours

9:00 a.m to Noon

Monday through Thursday




  • 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite 1, Sanctuary

  • 9 a.m. Scripture Discussion, Heritage Room

  • 9 a.m. Sunday School  (September to May)

  • 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, Sanctuary

Tuesday (1st & 3rd)

  • 8 a.m. Morning Prayer followed by breakfast
    at a restaurant


  • 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I, Sanctuary

  • 11 a.m. Bible Study

  • 12  noon, Community Lunch, Undercroft

© 2024 Christ Episcopal Church

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